Why Do I Need To Make Sure My Law Firm Has A Google My Business Listing?
June 22, 2018

Google My Business is an extremely useful tool that lawyers and law firms should be making use of. It is free, easy to use, and it allows you to manage some aspects of your online presence. It allows you to manage your Google Maps listing, to change some things about how you appear in search results, and get a SEO boost while you’re at it!
Now, if you don’t already have a Google My Business listing for your law firm, then you need to get one as soon as you can. Some of the main benefits of listing your firm include:
You Can Interact With Clients
SEO companies advise that if you perform a business-related search with Google, you will notice that you can see reviews and an average rating alongside most businesses. Creating a Google My Business listing allows clients to leave reviews for you, and it allows you to respond to these reviews.
These reviews can be a great source of information. You can use them to understand what sort of things you do well, and to identify areas that perhaps need improvement. You can also post photos related to your firm, which has been shown to result in more clicks through to business websites.
You Can Manage Your Firm’s Information
Google My Business also allows you to manage exactly what information Google shows people when they find you in Maps or via a search. You should make sure that things like your working hours, contact information, website, and street address are up to date and readily visible.
It Will Improve Your Search Engine Ranking
If you’re working on your search engine optimisation (SEO) and trying to rank highly for certain location specific keywords, then a Google My Business listing is an absolute must. It will allow you to put your firm on the map – literally – which can help improve your local SEO score. Listing your firm on Google My Business works on your SEO score in three main ways:
Location – A business listing tells Google exactly where you’re located. If you’re a small law firm serving a relatively confined area, this is essential to making sure that you’re driving relevant traffic to your website.
Authority – Adding a Google My Business listing for your law firm can also increase your website’s authority. This means that search engines will see your site as a good place for people to find relevant, useful information, improving your search engine ranking.
Relevance – A business listing can also help Google identify your content as relevant to the keywords that you’re trying to rank for. This will also improve your SEO score.
Final Word
If you own, run, or manage a law firm – no matter the size – then it’s essential to make sure that you have an up-to-date Google My Business listing. If you don’t, then your SEO score might be suffering, you might find that incorrect business information is being displayed online and you will almost certainly find that your website is receiving less visitors than it could be.