
Category: Web Design

Where Does Your Business Website Rank On Our Web Design Essentials Scorecard

Web Design Essentials

You will find that many skilled and creative professionals prefer to use checklists for each project they embark upon, and that will be the case for many web designers. Given that the creation of a website has several elements that all need to combine and function properly, a checklist is an ideal way to ensure each one is present and optimised.

For business owners who have a website, those same web design checklists can be useful, either to evaluate any new website that has been designed for them or to properly assess their current website to ascertain whether or not it needs to be redesigned. As such, we have outlined a simple web design checklist below which includes 25 desirable web design elements. With a point for each one, how many out of 25 does your business website score?

Website Structure & Navigation

  • Consistent Pages: All pages should have a logo, header, and footer visible.
  • Limited Levels: Do not have so many levels on your website that it feels like an endless maze.
  • Search Function: Help your visitors find what they need by having a search box.
  • Current Location: Let users know where they are using features like breadcrumbs.
  • Simple Menus: Your menus and subsequent navigation should be easy for all.


5 Key Things to Consider in Your Web Design

Web Design

You’ve decided to hire a professional web designer to create your website – good for you! Content management has had a lot of emphasis in the past year or so along with the importance of images and so many current website owners are looking to have their website’s rebuilt. Others have a clearer picture of what they want to get out of their new websites. Web Design Perth have provided the 5 key things to consider before you hire a web designer and get your project underway.

    • Who is your audience and what do you want to tell them? When you start your project, the very first thing to determine is who your potential clients and prospects are. One of the most common mistakes made is for companies to become all caught up in what they ‘think’ they need their site to tell the world about how wonderful they are. There are certainly things that are important to tell your audience but remember that the visitors to your site need a simple question answered, “what’s in it for me.” If you look at everything from that viewpoint you’ll be headed in the right direction.


Design Tweaks to Level Up Your Website

Design Tweaks to Level Up Your Website

If you work in real estate or interior design, then part of your job is to keep up with the latest trends and preferences of customers. In the same vein, doctors and nurses have to continually keep up with new information and developments.

Web design is no different. Tactics and norms go in and out of fashion, and sometimes, change completely. But for someone who owns and operates a business, they aren’t likely to keep up with these trends.

So we’ve collected a few important ones right here. If you apply them, your next website should be ‘levelled up’ compared to where it started.

Negative and Clean Space

If you get a chance to in to a newsagent and pick up two magazines. One should be low priced, perhaps a ‘gossip’ or ‘weekly’ style magazine. The other should be a higher end, monthly magazine, around $15 per issue. Contrast the layouts of the two.


Why Should I Employ a Professional WordPress Web Designer?

Web Designer

Your website’s design is one of the most important things to consider when in the planning stages, especially for eCommerce web design. It basically controls how people will view and interact with your site, and in the end will determine how long people stay on your site for and what pages they look at.

As one of the internet’s leading content management platforms, WordPress is probably a pretty good choice to build your next website on. The WordPress platform gives you the ability to customise your website in almost any way you want. This means that it allows you to invest a lot of time in design and planning before your site goes live.

However, it can be hard to design your own website if you’re not a very artistic person. Web design can be difficult, and it’s certainly not everyone’s cup of tea. With this in mind, here’s a few reasons why you should consider using a professional web designer for your next website.

Web designers are good at what they do:

Most web designers spend 30 or 40 hours a week doing exactly that – designing websites for clients throughout the world. This means that they get a lot of practice, and are therefore usually very well equipped to help you design the perfect layout for your website.

Employing an experienced Web design expert will let you sit back and relax while they go about their business. It will reduce your stress levels, and you should end up with a site that reflects your values and the message that you’re trying to pass along.


6 Logo Design Trends in 2018

Logo Design Trend

There is a lot of difference that can be made in a brand’s perception by consumers just by the first impression that they get from the logo that it uses. A logo carries a lot of stake in the reputation of a brand. Logo design has to be simple yet they should be able to communicate the image of the brand in a way that it helps them connect with the brand. Logos should be something memorable and can stand the test of time but they should still be able to be in touching distance of the contemporary trends in the world of graphic design.

We have come up with x logo design trends that will be popular in 2018.

  1. Simplification

When you are thinking about a logo to be used in the long run, you want a logo that is clean, minimalist and simple. There have been many major changes to existing logos by companies who have made their logos much simpler just to serve that very purpose.

  1. Letter Stacking

How letter stacking is done is that the placement of letters is with them being composed on top of each other. This way, if your company’s logo has any long phrases, they will be composed in an easy to perceive manner. Using letter stacking in tandem with good contrast in the color composition is also going to make logos more appealing.


What is WordPress?


Put basically, WordPress is arguably the world’s premier platform for website creation. In a nutshell, WordPress allows even the most inexperienced website designers to put together their own site. It is simple to use, has a whole lot of different options for people of different computer skills, and it is absolutely and completely free.

It is thought that over 25% of the websites on the whole world wide web are powered by WordPress, with this number growing daily. This equates to almost 20 million individual websites. Sure, a lot of them may be defunct or poorly maintained, but this many people wouldn’t use the platform if it wasn’t simple to use, useful, and engaging.

What makes WordPress stand out above other website creation platforms?

Although WordPress is the most popular, there are actually plenty of different website creation platforms out there. Some, such as Weebly, are actually similar to WordPress. Others, such as Shopify, are designed with a specific purpose in mind. The thing which makes WordPress stand out above most other platforms is its simple customizability.

Depending on what you want to do, WordPress is by far the simplest platform for new website builders. For example, if you want to set up an online shop, all you need to do is install a shop friendly theme, find a few plugins to help you receive payments and store customer details, and there you have it – the makings of an online business in just a few clicks of your mouse button!

How do I get started on WordPress?

Well, this depends on what you want to do. WordPress is completely free, so there is no harm in setting up an account and just having a go!

There are actually two different versions of WordPress (more on that later), which both offer different perks. All you need to do is decide which version you want to use, create an account, and follow the prompts to get started. If you are new to website building then you can find plenty of different tutorials and how to videos through Google, and these should help you get going on your website building adventure.


Web Design For Beginners

Web Design For Beginners

If you have your own business or simply want to have your own website to reach out to prospective customers you need a great website. Your potential customers or clients want to see you on the net.

You do not need to be an expert at designing websites to start off. You need to just be aware of three things; using HTML, registering for a domain name and finding a service to host your new website design.

The first thing that the website needs is a domain name. A domain name is nothing but the address for your identity on the Internet. For e.g, is the domain name for the search engine by Google. Your domain name has to be registered for a certain period of time. The name that you decide should be such that it easily identifies with your company name or product that you are selling or the purpose of the website.


An Excellent Web 2.0 Design Guide

Web-2.0 Design

I know, many of you in web design have been saying “If I hear ‘Web 2.0‘ again, I’m going to barf!” We’re all sick of it, but if you work in web design, you have clients coming to you asking to make their sites “web 2.0?. You might as well have one agreed-upon standard for getting it right.

That’s just what this guide does. Very complete and yet easy to scan, it touches on every aspect from layout to logos, setting down once and for all what exactly Web 2.0 is and what it is not. It uses lots of examples and spots trends you probably didn’t even notice.

Make A Magnetic Design Portfolio

Design Portfolio

If you’re like most web designers, you let your portfolio get stagnant after awhile. Are you feeling a pang of guilt while reading this? Sure, we know how it goes. At first, you pour all of your creative energy into your portfolio, taking a whole week or two getting it just right. Then, when the work pours in, you get so busy with clients that you forget the portfolio exists. Then one day you take a look at it, and it’s outdated.

Rule of thumb: Anything you design in the tech world will always appear, in retrospect, to have the shelf life of a banana.

Mashable offers 10 Ways to Make Your Design Portfolio More Appealing to Employers. While the advice seems pretty basic (“Choose the Right Hosting” – What were we doing before, spray-painting it on the wall?), it’s a good refresher course in connecting with potential clients – and of course, Mashable picks examples of cutting-edge designs.

A bonus buck while we’re on Mashable: 17 Web Resources for Improving Your Design Skills.