Make A Magnetic Design Portfolio
September 1, 2011

If you’re like most web designers, you let your portfolio get stagnant after awhile. Are you feeling a pang of guilt while reading this? Sure, we know how it goes. At first, you pour all of your creative energy into your portfolio, taking a whole week or two getting it just right. Then, when the work pours in, you get so busy with clients that you forget the portfolio exists. Then one day you take a look at it, and it’s outdated.
Rule of thumb: Anything you design in the tech world will always appear, in retrospect, to have the shelf life of a banana.
Mashable offers 10 Ways to Make Your Design Portfolio More Appealing to Employers. While the advice seems pretty basic (“Choose the Right Hosting” – What were we doing before, spray-painting it on the wall?), it’s a good refresher course in connecting with potential clients – and of course, Mashable picks examples of cutting-edge designs.
A bonus buck while we’re on Mashable: 17 Web Resources for Improving Your Design Skills.